Monday, August 18, 2014

August 18: 22 Minutes of Your Time + $22 a Month = 2 Children Fed, Clothed and Educated for 1 YEAR in Mathare Valley

I don't know about you, but I'm embarrassed to say that I had never even heard of Mathare Valley, a slum in Nairobi, Kenya, until recently. I had no idea such a place even existed. Maybe you're more worldly then I am, maybe you're more up to date on global issues. But I have a feeling that many of you haven't heard of it, either.

Mathare Valley is considered by many to be the poorest area in all of the world, second only to the slums in India and the garbage dumps in Mexico. About 700,000 people live in two square miles of space, with no running water, sewage system, or garbage collection. Police do not go into the slum, so the area is rampant with crime, drugs, and prostitution.

Much of the population is orphaned children, who have lost their parents to disease as there is no medical care and as many as 1 in 3 people are HIV positive. Entire families and their animals live in 6ft x 6ft metal shacks and only make $2/day at most, and much of that goes to pay for rent for the shack.

Most people born into the slum live there and die there. The video below shows a little of what life is like in the slum and also what a difference food and education make in breaking the cycle of poverty, giving the children of Mathare Valley a hope and a future.

By partnering with Moody Radio and Feed Their Future by September 1st, you can help save the life of a child who didn't ask to be born into such a place. 

For a one time donation of $136, you can feed, clothe and educate 1 child for a year and provide their teacher with benefits. 

For as little as $22/month, you can feed, clothe and educate 2 children for a year!!

$22 a month. 

That is a drop in the bucket for most people I know, but it would make a world of difference in the life of not one but TWO children.

Don't feel like you have an extra $22 a month? Look at it this way:
  • Dinner out at Applebee's. 2 meals for $20 + water + tip = at least $22.
  • Pizza night. 2 Large Pizzas for $20 + delivery fee and tip = at least $22
  • Trip to the movie theater. 2 Tickets + popcorn and a soda = at least $22
  • Manicure/pedicure = easily $22

Or look at it on a weekly basis: $5.50 a week:
  • Eating out for lunch one day a week = at least $5.50
  • Starbucks coffee + tip once a week = easily $5.50
  • 24 pack of Soda or two 12 packs = easily $5.50
  • A cheap bottle of wine = easily $5.50

I've been convicted lately that I need to care more about the needs of others and less about my wants. About how much my wants really control and dictate my thoughts and actions.

I could change nothing else about my life for an entire year except choose to get coffee from Starbucks once instead of twice each week, and I would be providing TWO children with a way out of poverty.

That has got to be worth the trade.

Do you think you can give up something that you want each week in order to provide for the need of ONE? 

For these children, it's not a matter of choosing between food that's organic or food that's conventionally grown. They have to choose between scavenging for food, eating whatever they can find among the garbage, and starvation. 

For these children, it's not a matter of deciding between private or public school. They have to choose between an education and being able to eat during the day.

There is no free lunch program. There is no government assistance.

If you can give up a small thing, one want, in your life each week, or each month, you can change the life of at least ONE child for an entire year. 

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11

Maybe part of God's plan is to provide a hope and a future through YOU

At least think about it today, friends. And if this isn't your thing, then choose another. But choose something.

Come on, Cleveland!! Please spread the word and share with your friends! Campaign ends September 1st!

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