Friday, October 25, 2013

Vanilla Chia Pudding

If you're a fan of tapioca pudding in the slightest, then you will LOVE this Vanilla Chia Pudding. The fat in the coconut milk makes it rich and creamy, and with the Chia Seeds and other real ingredients, it's a pudding that's actually good for you! Chia seeds are tiny but pack a lot of nutritional power, and they are an excellent source of fiber, Omega-3's, Calcium, Manganese, Phosphorus, and protein. Chia seeds also stabilize blood sugar and help regulate appetite, sleep, and improve mood. Make this pudding the night before for a quick and delicious breakfast in the morning or to snack on throughout the day.


Vanilla Chia Pudding

1 can full-fat Coconut Milk
1/3 cup Chia Seeds
2 tablespoons pure maple syrup
1 tablespoon pure vanilla extract

Combine all ingredients in a pint size mason jar. It will be filled to the brim--you'll be sure that it won't all fit, but it will. Trust me. Note: In order for it not to overflow, you must measure lightly {i.e., no heaping tablespoons or cups}. Or you can just remove a tablespoon of the coconut milk initially to give yourself some wiggle room. Screw the lid on and shake to combine. Refrigerate overnight.

Enjoy!! It's great by itself or mixed with fruit. As you can see, it's a much healthier {and I think tastier!} option then the store bought pudding, pictured below. Try different flavor combinations by swapping the vanilla out for cocoa powder or caramel.

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