Monday, August 31, 2015

August 31: Meatless Monday My Pig's Butt

Tonight I made cabbage and noodles for dinner, except it's Meatless Monday. 

But Meatless Monday is not the boss of me, so I'm thinking about converting to Bacon Monday's. That sounds like a pretty good trade to me! 

Meatless Monday's my pig's butt.

But really, I don't know who I'm kidding, because we don't have individually themed meal days at my house. That would typically require something they call "meal planning" and "making a shopping list," neither of which are ideals that I currently subscribe to, much to my budget/husband's chagrin. 

So meals generally fall into a solitary, over-arching theme of "what's available." Basically, we will eat, but I have no idea what it will be until about 4pm. You can ask me then. ;)

P.S. Link up some of your favorite bacon recipes in the comment section if you want, because I'm going to need some inspiration!

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August 30

Saturday, August 29, 2015

August 29: A Time for Everything

There's a time for pumpkin pancakes and a time for polite handshakes.

There's a time to celebrate with a pizza buffet; a time for young boys to argue about Lecrae.

A time to paint nails and brush long hair, a time to Google evidence that may not be there. 

A time to give a statement to the law, and a time to wish, once again, you'd taken a picture of it all. 

A time to wonder if you're really quite strange, yet this "mundane" mom life you'd never exchange. 

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Wednesday, August 26, 2015

*NEW* Email Sign-up Feature on the Blog!

I know that I'm not on Facebook that often anymore, and with the business of life, posts can be sporadic at times. My goal is to get back into the swing of blogging now that school is in session. It's good therapy for me. So, if you'd like to know when a new post is published, you can now sign up to receive email notifications on the sidebar to the right!

You won't miss a thing! :)

If you have any trouble with the feature, let me know. Thanks!

August 26: Normal

I keep looking out in the front yard, but no one is there. I almost expect to see people in black standing around. 

Now it's just an ordinary corner on an ordinary street on a rather ordinary day. The whole thing seems surreal.

Like a crazy dream.

August 25

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

August 24: The Day the SWAT Team Hid in Our Lilac Bushes

So.... Ya. 

This was our evening. How was yours?

I noticed the police car when we drove home from school. It was parked a few houses down. As Clayton chased the dog home, he caught wind of the fact that there had been a robbery. I just shrugged and said okay. That's pretty normal on our street lately, and this was just one of a half dozen or so this year; the previous one happened right next door on the Forth of July. Such is life in the city.

God protects us, though, as the houses all around us have been robbed at least once, but ours has never been touched.

When one police car turned into two and I saw them running around the neighbors yard, however, I started to suspect more then a routine robbery investigation. Then I looked out the back and heard them yell that the house was surrounded, and I thought, well, they're certainly not chasing a dog. 

The kids had been outside riding bikes just moments before and saw the cars pull up next door. Eva was still out on the front porch, her bike sitting at the end of the driveway where she left it. I had her come inside and locked all the doors. 

The cops that showed up next were carrying guns that said they weren't messing around, and the kids and I went down the basement for a while. Ben stayed upstairs to find out what was going on. 

Funny enough, I wasn't scared at all. I told Ben to take some pictures outside, and he glared at me. I make photo collages, so priorities, you know. And besides, how many times in a lifetime are there police with assault rifles in your front yard?

Hopefully just once, and hopefully never aimed at us.

The lieutenant told us that we would need to leave the premises, since we were so close, the suspect being right next door. I felt bad for the kids, because although they were trying to cope in their own way, some of them were scared. Men with big guns, masks, and shields were milling about, setting up a perimeter, and standing in our front yard.

We left after dinner and went to get ice cream, because what else do you do when the SWAT team is hiding in your lilac bushes? 

On the way out the door, I almost asked if they would pose for a picture with the kids--selfie with heavily armed men, anyone??--but then I thought, nah... It's not every day that SWAT is in your driveway, though, so it was probably a missed opportunity.

An officer bent over and pulled the baby's bike out of the driveway as we were pulling out, and that was such a visual for me, seeing the group of them standing there by the toddler's overturned bike.

We drove slowly down the street, past the long line of police cars, past all the neighbors sitting on their front porch. It looked like there was a summer movie event or something with the amount of people watching.

The officer at the end of the street moved the police tape to allow us out, and we could see SWAT set up at the corner drug store, ready to roll out the tank. It would've been cool to have a front row seat to all the action, unless it went south, of course. So we went on our way.

We live a crazy life in this city, but I wouldn't trade it. 

A few hours later they got the guy, and life returned to normal.

Friday, August 21, 2015

August 20: Then & Now: First Day of School

First day of school 2015. 3rd grade, 2nd grade, and Batman.

New time, new school, new teachers, new classmates. Hopefully a fresh start. 

Little bit of nerves, little behind schedule, little time needed to pack lunches. 

Not late, not too stressed, not wanting mom to embarrass with any more pictures.

Very handsome & pretty, very prepared, and very ready for school (on my part).

They are growing up!

And this was then...

Clayton (2nd), Ruby (1st), 8/21/2014
Wanted to include some thoughts from these posts for a trip down memory lane. Last year I was unprepared and in rare form. Actually, it's probably my normal form, I just happened to write it down:

Have I mentioned before that I'm the Mother of the Year? I think I may have once or twice.

Now that I have that title, though, I need to make sure I do my darndest to live up to it, you know? Let me just tell you, it's hard work. Grueling, tedious, hard work on my part. And we all know how I feel about that working hard stuff.

I wanted to write this post today for all of you out there who have ever looked at me and thought, wow. I mean, just, WOW. She is so great. She's like, the best mom ever. Hence, Mother of the Year.

So let me just explain for a moment what the first day of school looks like when you're the Mother of the Year. We shall start at the beginning:
  1. Be in complete denial that school is actually starting and prepare accordingly, including sleeping in until after 8am all summer.
  2. Wait until the day before school to get school shoes for your daughter. Smile through clenched teeth as she picks out the most expensive pair, because all the cute "sale" shoes are practically nonexistent.
  3. Tell your son that his shoes from last year are still good. But don't check the size or make sure they still fit before leaving the shoe store. Leave that to chance in the morning.
  4. Assume that all their uniform clothes are in good condition and still fit, but don't bother to look at them or have the kids try them on. They have the adjustable waistbands, right? We can just let those suckers out if need be.
  5. Have the children set out their uniforms the night before school. This is easy, as the uniforms are still sitting in a messy pile on top of the dresser from last school year because you never "packed them up" for the summer.
  6. Pack their lunches the night before, even though the peanut butter and jelly sandwiches will get soggy. You only do this at your husbands request, as he knows your Mother of the Year tendencies in the morning. On your own, however, you wouldn't have bothered with such frivolities.
  7. Finally fill out all the school forms the night before after the children have gone to bed. Lament over the fact that mothers have homework before school even starts and the fact that you don't have a glass of wine to sip while filling out said papers.
  8. Don't include Emergency Medical Forms in the stack of papers to turn in because you misplaced them. In May. And also, you never scheduled a physical for the kids so the doctor's office could fill out the form. So even if you did find it, you still couldn't turn it in yet.
  9. Stay up way too late watching mindless television so that you push the snooze button when your alarm goes off. Twice.
  10. Even though you had lunches made already, clothes laid out the night before, and a sweet husband who made breakfast, you still manage to leave about 15 minutes late. But not before you grab your coffee mug and snap the obligatory "first day of school" photo. Priorities, you know.
  11. The first day of school photo doesn't have any coordinating chalkboard signs or pictures with mom and dad or the family, however. That would've involved something they call "preparation" and "timeliness." It was more of a "quick stand by the door, now run to the car! We're late!" kind of picture.
  12. Make sure to get completely stressed out as you're hurrying everyone to the car, like it's totally their fault you're leaving so late. Yell at your son who isn't buckled up yet.
  13. Although you remembered the construction zone on the way to school, you didn't take into account the traffic jam it would create from the morning commute. That would just make too much sense. So you come to a standstill quite a ways from school. You need to be there in 4 minutes.
  14. At this point, apologize to your children, as it's obvious that they are going to be late on their first day of school. Explain to them that it takes pure, raw talent to manage to be late on the first day of school, and that somewhere deep down, they should be very proud to have you as a mom.
  15. Traffic turns into a detour situation, taking you even farther from the route to school. But never fear--you brought your coffee! You can sit and sip it peacefully while you maneuver through traffic.
  16. Finally arrive at school and sign them in 10 minutes late. Although it doesn't escape you that you left your house 15 minutes late, mark TRAFFIC as the reason for tardiness. There was, in fact, TRAFFIC. Lots of traffic.
  17. Promise your children as you are walking them to class that you will do better tomorrow, kiss and hug them, and send them on their way.
  18. Breathe a sigh of relief. Not only did you succeed in getting them to school, but you managed to live up to your title in the process.

And after all that, I'm exhausted. Like I said, being Mother of the Year is hard work. 

Now, if you weren't able to live up to this unbelievably high standard on the first day of school, please, don't beat yourself up. Sometimes achieving Mother of the Year status happens overnight, and other times, it requires lots of hard work, time, and dedication to the cause.

So seriously, relax. You have the entire school year to get it right.

Here's to the pick-up lines, the homework routine, the earlier bedtimes, and all you other Mothers of the Year out there… and to better tomorrows.


And Happy First Day of School to ya.

Clayton (1st), Ruby (K), 8/20/2013
"The first day of school was a success for all!! They both went right into their classrooms without any hesitation or complaint, and I walked out feeling a little sad about that in a way... I wanted to linger at the door, especially Ruby's, to make sure she found her seat, that she looked okay, that she was smiling and enjoying herself... But I didn't. I kept walking. They both loved their teachers and went on and on about all the good things in their day. They saw each other at lunch and a couple other times, too. I think this will be a good year for them. One down, many more to go."

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

August 19: 'Twas the Night Before School

Before now I wasn't ready for school to start. Summer seemed gone in a blink, and we were still having so much fun being together.

But today. 

It started out okay, even with alarms and routine and paperwork looming on the horizon, but they all started unraveling before lunch. There was fighting and arguing, crying and blaming, bickering and smacking. 

And just like that, I was ready. Especially because the forecast in our home did not improve.

When I sat down on the couch tonight, I sighed with relief. Rough day. 

After venting about the day and the children a little, I said to my husband, "I think there's another reason I'm so stressed and cranky--I haven't written anything in a while. My thoughts are constipated."

He laughed a little and glanced my direction, with an expression that affirmed my weirdness, saying, "the funny thing is, you say you haven't written for a while. But 'a while' is probably only five days."

"That's enough time to get constipated." I replied.

He chuckled. Alas, he's stuck with me, so I guess it's either laugh or cry. ;)

So here's to wake-up calls, the morning hustle, quieter days, reinstating nap times, and free-flowing thoughts. Bring it on. 

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

August 7: Then & Now: Medina County Fair

Now it starts getting pretty fun, because this is the third fair picture to put on top of the ever-growing stack of them. Some things have changed, and as always, many stay the same. 

Always the tickets, always the bunnies. Always the fries and the pony rides. This year, however, Toby managed to stick his hands in grease, and because I have absolutely no clue what I'm doing most of the time, I had him try to wash it off. In the sink. 

We did end up getting most of it off. With a roll of paper towels. 

And this was then:



August 6

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

August 5

August 4

August 3

When Facebook Becomes Your Default

I didn’t realize until I decided to give it up, to take a break for a while. 

Come evening when the world began slow and eyelids started to droop, I decided to put my phone DOWN. Enough is enough. 

And that’s when I noticed it. The quiet moments. The precious lulls in time I had rushed to Facebook to fill. 

As I lay in my bed that night, phone firmly placed on the nightstand instead of my palm, I honestly wondered to myself: well, now what do I do? What do I do with these slivers of time before sleep that are no longer spent staring into a 4.7in window?

Sad, but completely true.

And I began to wonder, if we are compulsively running to Facebook (or Twitter or Instagram or games or Netflix binges or anything else, for that matter) throughout the day…

When do we think?

When do we pray?

When do we listen to the still, small voice of God, if we give every quiet moment over to Facebook?

When do we read, something other then articles about the latest shooting or the 9 Signs You May Have a Leaky Gut or 5 Ways to Repurpose Baby Food Jars? I would read all those kinds of things, thinking I was informing myself and somehow improving my quality of life, but in reality, all I did was add to my already existent health anxiety and create more mental work for myself. 

Repurposing baby food jars? Ain’t nobody got time for that. Seriously.

When do we read, say, the Bible, or something that qualifies as real literature to enrich our lives?

When do we connect with our family without distractions?

When do we stop and listen to the tall tales of a two year old, however crazy sounding they may be, and get an uninterrupted glimpse into her creative little mind?

When do we roll down the window in the car on a summer drive and simply take in the smells of fresh cut grass and charcoal grills, notice the wildflowers, and feel the warm sun on our face, if we never look up?

When do we really talk with our husbands, after the kids are all asleep, so in ten years we still have a clue about the person sitting next to us on the couch?

Because if we're honest about it, there are things that steel our time—reinforce it, build it up, make it better and stronger and firmer, in the Lord and in relationship with others; encourage talents and gifts; help others—and there are things that steal our time—rob us of precious moments, productivity, and sleep that we can never get back.

We only have so much time here, so much time this day, and it’s so easy to waste it. It’s so easy to waste it without even wanting to because it’s become a bad habit.

Laundry that doesn’t get folded, craft supplies that never turn into gifts, books collected that never get finished. That’s just me, and that’s really just the beginning.

I know God is calling me to better things, more fruitful things. Things that I really do want to spend my time on, except I keep getting tripped up by the easy, the available. So Facebook will no longer be my default, and we are parting ways, at least for a time. I may deactivate my account sometime in the near future, but for right now it will just sit idle, collecting notifications.

Instead of checking Facebook at stoplights, waiting to turn left, I'll focus on the road and talk to my kids.

Instead of pulling out my phone in the evening or multitasking during Netflix, I'll look my husband in the eye and talk to him about things that matter.

Instead of plugging in during bath time, I'll sit and watch my kids play.

I'll sit on the front porch, enjoy the breeze, and marvel at the fact that everyone but the baby can ride a bike without training wheels now. I'll wonder where the time has gone and make sure from here on out that I'm not too distracted to notice it slip on by.

I'll stop looking so often at a small 4.7in screen that I fail to see the entire world right in front of my face.

I’ll still be here, though, rambling about my usual stuff and posting pictures, so you know where to find me if you need me. I’d love to connect with you all in the comments, through email, or better yet, in person!

I hope you have a great day, and if you want me to know what you had for lunch, what you’re doing with your kids today, or that you’re pissed off at your husband about something, you’ll have to text me, because otherwise, I won’t notice.

And that’s not such a bad thing.

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Week in Review: July 27-31

Clayton was able to go on vacation with his grandparents for the week, so the littles & I had a vacation week of our own at home.

July 27

July 28

July 29

July 30

July 31

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