Monday, September 16, 2013

September 15: The Perks of Primping

This week I rediscovered the pleasantness in taking time to get ready in the morning. I usually feel like I look as though I rolled out of bed and ran out the door, normally because that's what I do. I've had little ones in the house consistently for so long now that somewhere along the way I stopped paying too much attention to how I look. Sometimes because I don't have time for primping, sometimes because I'd rather sleep, sometimes because I didn't get any sleep, and sometimes because I'm just lazy and don't care. Yoga pants and a top knot, here I come! I would see these other women {some with small children, as well} out and about and I would think, how early did you need to get up to look like that?? I'm not a morning person, so that ain't happening.


In our new house, we have a full bath all to ourselves in the master bedroom, which is something I've NEVER had before. We've been happy with more then one toilet, but a second shower in the house is a first for us. AND it has a double sink. And drawers for storage. I die. And it's in our room, which has a lock on the door, so that means no little fingers getting into my make-up, nail polish, and whatnot. At least not nearly as often. I have my own space, which I suppose I'll share with my husband. :) 

I was going to a mom's group one day this week, and after I dropped the bigs off at school I decided I should stop back at home and try to look presentable. You know, get out of my "mom clothes" and put on a little mascara. So I got the littles a snack, put on a video, and went upstairs to get ready. After perusing through my closet for much too long, I finally decided on something to wear that was a notch above mom clothes {aka, leggings}. I went to my bathroom sink, opened the drawer, took out my make-up bag, and started on the bags under my eyes, which, by the way, I hadn't noticed were there until that point. Funny what happens when you actually look in a mirror.

And I noticed something. It was quiet. And peaceful. Just me, my thoughts, and my make-up {and some strange woman staring back at me in the mirror}. And the quietness wasn't because the kids were hiding in a closet somewhere eating a stash of candy. They were entertained for the short time that I needed to get ready. So THAT'S what all these other beautiful ladies have figured out! As it turns out, I can actually get some uninterrupted time by myself, in my own house, if I carve out a little time to get ready. And, I look good! Added bonus. ;) I definitely need to make time for this primping thing more often, even if it's only for a few minutes each day. 

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