Wednesday, September 11, 2013

September 11

Major accomplishment, & really the only accomplishment for the day: washing, hulling & freezing 32 pints of organic strawberries. I'm thinking we should be set for jam for quite some time! I got the four flats of berries for $22, which would be a complete steal for regular strawberries, let alone Earthbound Farms  organic!! The bargain hunter in me couldn't pass up a deal like that, but my practical side didn't interject about the immense amount of time it would take to prep said strawberries for freezing... Yikes. So that was my day. 

Thankful to live in the land of the free & home of the brave, where I can spend all day chopping strawberries without fear.


  1. Hi Jacqui,
    Your blog is beautiful! You are such a creative soul! And what a brave women, hulling all those strawberries. Wow! I am totally impressed. :)

    I love the pictures from the West Side Market, too. Very cool!

    Thanks for sharing your site with me! Peggi

    1. Thanks, Peggi! It was very sweet of you to visit! :) Thanks for your kind and encouraging words!

  2. You have such a wonderful gift for capturing the moments, the essence, the special things that one day your kids will share with their children, fondly remembering the memories and times spent with you. Blessings to you.
    barb bloom


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