Thursday, October 1, 2015

October 1: Write 31 Days: He is Enough

For the month of October, I signed up to do the Write 31 Days challenge for the first time. The idea is to choose a topic and write about it each day for the entire month.

I'll be writing about Life that is Truly Life, which is something I've been mulling over a lot lately. Ironically, the same word that means to ponder, to think about carefully and consider -- mull -- also means to make a mess or failure of. Often in our futile overthinking of things, that's exactly what we humans do.

I've been thinking about how life that is truly life in Christ relates to the homeless person sitting next to me on the pew at church, or refugees clinging to life and each other on a sinking plastic raft. About opportunities to grow and capacity to stretch, about possessions, about values and what's really important when everything else is stripped away. This and so much more.

There's a notebook beside me filled with jotted down thoughts, moments of inspiration, glimpses of a bigger picture, of a world upside down. Of justice, of changing perspectives, yet I find myself steeped in reality at the moment.

I've kept up with the dishes this week, but there's always more waiting for me in the sink. Patiently they lie there in a stainless steel bed until I tuck them in at night, along with the children. Speaking of the children, they're dirty and need a bath. The load of laundry that was once clean in the washer a couple days ago no doubt needs washed again, at the very least, and finally put in the dryer this time around.

There is a pile of shoes arranged in a cruel tripping pattern at the bottom of the stairs and around the front door, the size of which would suggest an army of children much larger then four. Some shoes are too small and need packed away, others just need to find their way to a donation bin somewhere. Perhaps they could walk there themselves.

The discipleship material on the table sits unfinished even though my meeting is tomorrow, pillows are strewn across the floor instead of decorating the couches, homework remains on the kitchen table from last night, the children are currently refusing to nap, and I've talked to the assistant principal a couple times already today.

So this life in front of me today, this very real life, is anything but glamorous, inspirational or world-changing. It's routine. It's monotonous. It's stressful and overwhelming at times. I often forget that my very own tagline is "Meeting God in the mundane. Finding joy in the mess."

But it's an excellent reminder of Life that is Truly Life.

Because, friends, Jesus is Enough.

He promises to be with us always, a fellow passenger on the boat across the sea of life. When the waves grow tall and threaten to overwhelm us, to knock us over and pull us down into it's murky depths, when we are afraid and full of doubt, Jesus reaches out His hand.

You of little faith...why did you doubt? {Matthew 14:31}

And He doesn't just pull us back on the boat in the storm--He invites us into the calm. He creates calm if we allow Him to, if we take His hand. The winds die down and the waves cease, for truly He is the Son of God. He is more then enough, and He has always been.

Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly. {Matthew 11:28-30 MSG}

Walk with me. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace.

Keep company with me. Learn to live freely and lightly.

Get away with me and you'll recover your life.

I love that.

The glorious provision in all of this, beloved, is that we are enough because He is enough. 

He died for us, He paid for us, He redeemed us. He is the beginning and the end, and He is victorious. He chose us, and He has already won. 

He is enough.

There is nothing we can do to add to that, and He wouldn't expect us to try. We don't need to accomplish more, be more, do more, or improve more. We don't need to try harder, check more items off the list, get it together, or finally get it right. We needn't be more Pinteresty, more likable on social media, or a better wife or mom. We are enough simply as we are--no more, no less--because of Him. 

Whatever storm you find yourself weathering today, allow Him to pull you back onto the boat, to show you the calmness of Life in Him. Life that is Truly Life. Take all your failures and place them in His open, pierced hands. Take all your "should's" and lay them down at His feet--don't let them should all over you any more today. 

There is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. {Romans 8:1}

You are enough.

Come as you are. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace, for He is enough.

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