Come three o'clock this afternoon, I noticed this on the floor in the kitchen. Eva was sitting at the table, and upon picking it up, I asked, "who left this pull-up here on the floor?"
Pushing the blond hair back from her eyes and looking up at me with a sweet little smile she replied, "me."
The two phrases I say the most as a mother have to be:
1.) Keep your hands to yourself.
2.) The floor is not a garbage can.
Sometimes I feel like I have a verbal glitch that gets stuck on problematic behaviors, causing the same phrases to tumble out time and time again. There's probably also a good dash of "I love you" and "tell them sorry" in my repertoire, along with a peppering of "don't fart on your brother," too, just for good measure.
What do you find yourself repeating ad nauseum?
Hahahaha. Don't fart on your brother....that's a good one. I feel like I shout "excuse me!!!" A lot trying to get their attention after repeating something else a few times to no avail.