Monday, March 31, 2014

March 31: Weirdos Unite

Back to reality after a week of spring break.... I'm soooo not a morning person. :*( But it was a beautiful day today!! I saw buds on trees--dare I say spring is here?!?!?! 

The kids played outside almost all night after school, and we finally met some of the neighborhood kids {not pictured}. The first thing the little nine year old girl said to me was, "just so you know, if I start to act a little weird, it's because I am weird."

I said, "well, you won't have any problem fitting in around here."

I think we are going to get along splendidly. How can you not already love the kid with an opening line like that?!? #classic

P.S. Cooking and/or flipping turkey burgers is not my spiritual gift. #notevenalittlebit

Friday, March 28, 2014

March 28

One would think that I'd have learned at this point in my parenting career to NOT let my kids have markers in the car. But alas...

Friday, March 21, 2014

March 21

A blessing for you lovely women of God:

May you be clothed in the delicate lace of dignity and grace, 
May you open the door to freedom with the key of truth, and
May you remember that you are beautiful and cherished in His sight.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

March 19

March 18: If You Give a Horse a Pizza...

...Then he will want a beer to go with it. 

My guess on Laura Numeroff's next book. Unless I write it first. Hmmm... ;)

It does look like the horses wanted some pizza for dinner. And beer. Can you blame them, though?? Seriously. 


Sunday, March 16, 2014

March 14: Free Frosty Friday!

Ok, so I just assumed those pay-$1-and-get-as-many-free-Frostys-as-your-little-heart-can-handle-through-August keyring cards had a limit of one/person. But NO!!! All the Roberts children will be receiving FREE Frostys every week!!! Bring on the good behavior reports and FREE FROSTY FRIDAYS once again! Now, if only they had free French fry cards, I'd be totally set. And in big trouble. 


Thursday, March 13, 2014

March 13

Today at lunch Toby asked me, "does the alligator that lives in my belly eat all the food??" Then he tried to tell me about this time we saw an alligator & it scared him. And now it lives is his belly & eats all his food. Who knew? 

And Clayton got his first cavity filled... :( he did great--I think I was more nervous then he was! He's the bravest kid I know.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

March 6

Starting to feel better, but not better enough for coffee yet... :*(

Also, a big thanks to our wonderful friends who've dropped off some soup this week!! Xo

March 5

Ruby is feeling a little better, but now I'm down for the count. We share very well as a family, apparently. So gross. We did manage to survive the day, & daddy was able to do all the running around for us. That is the baby coloring on the table & eating the marker. I got nothin. They're all still alive, though.

March 4

Toby is feeling a little better, & now Ruby's down... I so look forward to the day when they can make it to the toilet. Or the sink. Or the garbage can. Or any sort of container, really. 

Sunday, March 2, 2014

March 2: It Was a Two-Brownie Kind of Day

Some days are just long. And crappy. These crappy days sometimes drag on the heels of an equally crappy week involving lots of sickness. Colds, flu, mastitis, strep, & puking. We've got it all going on over here. 

As a mom, you just kind of buck up and change the bed sheet covered in puke at 4am. You reassure your sick son & tell your husband gagging at the door that "I've got this." It's going to be ok, even though it's smelling pretty righteous up in here. After many years of cleaning up puke, one would think that moms especially would develop a tolerance for the smell, an indifference to the cleaning process. 


It is still nasty as heck.

You just convince yourself it's fine to survive the process, only to realize afterwards that you need to chow down on half a bottle of Tums to stop your own stomach from churning. Ugh. 

So, this brutal day called for some homemade brownies after bedtime. Just for me. And I ate two. I figure if I'm the one who wakes up puking at 4am tonight, I might as well go out with a bang. 

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